Pets Animals

Why Is Your Dog Is Not Feeling Well? 3 Possible Reasons

Pets & Animals Blog

Your dog always comes to you after a long day to make you smile or laugh, or just to give you a little bit of love. When he doesn't come to you and isn't acting normally, it's most likely because he isn't feeling well. If your dog isn't feeling well, he may be lethargic or hiding, or he may be throwing up or having diarrhea. Sometimes your dog may not be feeling well and the symptoms aren't quite as noticeable.

23 January 2020

Tips for Buying a Toy Breed Puppy

Pets & Animals Blog

Many people love toy breed dogs—they are adorable puppies, don't require as much food as large dogs, can live in small spaces, and tend to have longer than normal lifespans. Thus, it is not surprising that toy breed dogs are very popular pets and companions. If you're planning on purchasing a toy breed puppy, it is very important to take your time and select the right one. Your new toy breed puppy will be with you for many years to come, so you want to buy a dog that will be a good fit for your family.

23 January 2020

Why You Should Pay Extra For A Second Walk For Your Dog

Pets & Animals Blog

Choosing a dog boarding service that will includes a daily walk for your pet as part of its daily rate is important for the dog's comfort and happiness during its stay. Whether the service walks animals individually or in a group, you'll appreciate knowing that your pet is getting some exercise. Most pet boarding services have upgrade options for clients to consider, and one of these options can be a second daily walk — for a small, additional fee.

22 January 2020

Why Stay Up To Date With Dog Vaccines

Pets & Animals Blog

There are a lot of reasons why vaccinating your pet dog is so important. Here are some of the important reasons for making sure you have your pet vaccinated and stay on top of their vaccinations. Your dog won't get sick with serious illnesses The main reason that you are going to want to make sure your dog is properly vaccinated is to protect them against getting sick. There are a lot of different diseases and illnesses your dog can pick up easily.

21 January 2020

Cockapoo Puppies: What Breeder Should You Trust?

Pets & Animals Blog

A cockapoo is a type of dog that is not an actual breed per se, but is a special novelty breed of dog that is comprised of two recognized breeds: the cocker spaniel and the poodle. This makes for a cute and unique looking creature that can make a great family pet, but there are many people who may be seeking the same type of dog. This means there are more breeders out there attempting to keep up with the market and provide pet owners with a quality dog they can appreciate.

21 January 2020

Should You Buy An English Bulldog Puppy?

Pets & Animals Blog

You want to get a new puppy, but you want a dog that is more unique in style and that will be a joy to be around. While dogs, in general, can be social animals, every breed of canine is different and you may end up with a type of dog that doesn't work well with your family by accident. An English bulldog has crossed your mind a few times and is not a type of dog to take lightly.

21 January 2020

Use The Separate Compartments In A Large Dog Waste Pouch To Carry These Things

Pets & Animals Blog

When you're looking at products that you can carry when you walk your dog, a device that allows you to carry a roll of dog waste bags is probably near the top of your list. Every responsible dog owner wants to carry bags, but the type of device that you for this job is important to evaluate. Some waste bag containers are small, and while their compact size may be appealing, it can also have its drawbacks.

17 January 2020

5 Reasons To Buy A Bernedoodle

Pets & Animals Blog

If you're looking to get a puppy or dog, you may still be deciding on the best breed to get. There are so many amazing dog types out there, but Bernedoodles are becoming an increasingly popular choice for pet owners. This kind of dog is a mix of Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle, and it makes for the perfect furry companion to have. Here are some reasons to buy a Bernedoodle.

17 January 2020

What To Expect From A Veterinary Internship

Pets & Animals Blog

If you love science and the idea of helping animals is attractive to you, veterinary medicine is an ideal career. The path to becoming a vet can be long and challenging, but it's well worth it. Internships aren't required, but they can greatly help prospective veterinarians. Here are four things you can expect from your veterinary internship: 1. Your internship will last one year. Veterinary internships typically last one calendar year.

6 November 2019

Becoming A Turtle Owner? What You Need To Get Before Bringing These Reptiles Home

Pets & Animals Blog

Have you always liked the idea of being a pet owner? If you want to have a pet but you are not interested in dogs, cats, or other furry animals, you may want to get turtles that are for sale. These reptiles make great pets because they are often smaller and easier to care for. There are different types of turtles to choose from, including Eastern mud turtles and red-eared sliders.

26 August 2019