What To Expect From A Veterinary Internship

Pets & Animals Blog

If you love science and the idea of helping animals is attractive to you, veterinary medicine is an ideal career. The path to becoming a vet can be long and challenging, but it's well worth it. Internships aren't required, but they can greatly help prospective veterinarians. Here are four things you can expect from your veterinary internship: 1. Your internship will last one year. Veterinary internships typically last one calendar year.

6 November 2019

Becoming A Turtle Owner? What You Need To Get Before Bringing These Reptiles Home

Pets & Animals Blog

Have you always liked the idea of being a pet owner? If you want to have a pet but you are not interested in dogs, cats, or other furry animals, you may want to get turtles that are for sale. These reptiles make great pets because they are often smaller and easier to care for. There are different types of turtles to choose from, including Eastern mud turtles and red-eared sliders.

26 August 2019